Pied Pipers of the Nuclear Industry: Agape School Scandal & Secret History of Hanford & CIA

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Pied Pipers of the Nuclear Industry: Agape School Scandal & Secret History of Hanford Disinfo Networks

Tonight I’ll be expanding on the secret history of Hanford’s relationship with OSS/CIA Counterintelligence. During the WWII era, America needed to find locations to manufacture Plutonium for the Manhattan Project. This is one of the primary regions that Fat Man & Little Boy’s materials were created & eventually dropped in Japan. The secrecy surrounding the creation of Hanford has stayed in the area to this very day. Hanford and the surrounding greater Tri-Ciities (Richland, Pasco, Washington) have centered around the Nuclear Industry at Hanford since its inception. Prior to that, it was all agriculture. My family owned a farm in Eltopia, not far from Pasco, between 1985-1989.

Watch this documentary created by the City of Richland about Camp Hanford. Observe at the 3 minute mark how nonchalantly the narrator discusses the farmers/homesteaders being permanently thrown off their property to make way for the nuclear reservation…

I’ll be playing most of the following clip from Simon Whistler who makes great mini-docs on topics most people avoid without a lot fluff

Please consider what I’m telling you very seriously. This land grab…the secrecy connected to…are connected to James J Pettigrew, my mother’s father, going back decades. He has been working on both sides of my bloodline to continue passing off both the power and the property, run by a network of Human Surrogates. Paper fictions who are played by Crisis Actors as needed…sometimes for a lifetimes…other times only for a day. Whatever is needed. This is how a small number of people pretend to own a large number of properties…as House-Holders…one might say. More on that soon.

James Pettigrew used to work with JP Taggares, a wealthy farmer, and who I believe was ‘made’ this way by James’ network. The properties on/around Radar Hill Washington were central to security for America’s Nuclear interests. Taggares was ‘the’ owner of those properties since the 60s…continuing to be the owner of the land bordering Agape School on Radar Hill. This area is filled with underground bunkers, tunnels, caves & missile silo facilities.

What if I told you that this has been a hub for the Central Intelligence Agency since its inception?

To maintain secrecy surrounding the Nuclear Reservation, the government began establishing safety zones surrounding the reservation. This is when the surrogate system connected to James Pettigrew comes in. I believe that my mother’s father James J Pettigrew was a key member of CIA Counterintelligence who used his Westinghouse job & alfalfa cubing farming as a cover. I started noticing that there was mirrors between James Pettigrew’s agriculture interest & that of PJ Taggares = JP (James Pettigrew) Seraggat (Surrogate). If James bought a huge alfalfa cuber…PJ Taggares bought one at the same time for the same price?!?…and his name just happens to be James Pettigrew Surrogate when said backwards? Let’s be real folks…

What does this have to do with Agape Boarding School for Boys?

You can’t separate Agape’s Radar Hill from what is happening at Arete Vineyard & Taggares Farms. It is all one big massive operation, interconnected, mostly owned by Taggares family to do this…but other ‘surrogates’ are sometimes listed. I started reporting on how suspect this was as far back as 2017…going public in an interview with Miles Johnston on The Bases Project in 2018.

Not long after my interview with Miles…suddenly Agape existed within the mainstream media…I couldn’t find much before then…why? Why do we only get a story after I start asking questions…yet, no one consulted with me on these stories and they don’t cover the same details that I do?

Are these the true stories or are these examples of the OLIVE simulation covering up the real story? In my experience, the MSM only gets involved as a cover up and you should keep looking for the story behind these stories…

I’m not finding many records between 1996-2019 about Agape schools except the exposes that begin around 2002…then don’t pick back up until 2020?

My point is…what kind of activities have been going on out on these farms under the guise of National Security? My grandfather, James Pettigrew, who ran much of this behind the scenes, was a serial pedophile. He confessed to his sins. I heard him say it out loud in front of another witness. This is not disputed. If he was a child abuser, and I’ve connected him to child abuse networks like The Finders Cult and Marion David Pettie…can we trust that everything is okay today? Why should I trust it? Why should you trust it? No one is going to acknowledge these programs yet we know they existed and it happened. Some of the names haven’t changed in decades. What is really going on?

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