NT Framework 47 Doctrine of God's Glorification

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SBC Family,

Hopefully you are seeing more and more that every event of Scripture (history) has doctrinal ramifications. Tomorrow we'll start working on the doctrinal ramifications of the Resurrection of Christ.

Also I hope you are seeing more and more that every fact of Scripture is not an isolated fact, but a fact that is linked to every other fact so that they fly together like a fortress. The moment we separate out the facts of Scripture too far we create pockets of idolatry in our lives. This is why the Scriptures present an integrated whole, and every truth is interconnected to every other truth. This is what Paul is referring to in Rom 12 when he says he wants us to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. As the Proverbs say, "thinking God's thoughts after Him," or "In Thy light we see light." God is the Master Thinker, and when we are conformed to His way of thinking we become master thinkers. Most of the Christian life is lived in your head, and if you know rightly then you know that all this knowledge has a practical application. Paul has been showing us this in our 1 Corinthians class.

Tomorrow great things on the doctrine of God's glorification. What does the resurrection of Christ mean for history? What does it mean for the future? The first part of the new heaven and new earth have already walked, breathed, and eaten within this heavens and earth. There is so much to see...

See the attached notes.

Grace to you,



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