Hierophant for Lovers Energy Vlog

7 months ago

Hierophant for Lovers Energy Vlog Title is form the Amplitude power and the Date May 11, 2024 thus 24 which adds to # 6 The lovers card let us have a harmonious relationship balanced with intuition and love.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site shows us an ampliutde power of 23 which we add to get # 5 Hierophant card a spiritual messenger in its highest form a pedorapist priest as it lowest. The Quality power is 22 the fool card telling us to watch where we step lest we take an unexpected leap of faith. The frequency Average is 7.70 hertz thus # 14 The Temperance card which is about being balanced and healing as we go about our day.

Therefore, we can say: The Lovers seek the Hierophant to marry them in harmonious re partnership Though it is foolish to marry now but with the balance that temperance brings They will hjaave a long and posperoous relationship.

The Starseed Oracle deck was consulted again this tiem with tow cards. The first being Star Bathing card thus lightbody , Crystal Grid, Transformation activation. The second card is The Blue Flame Spontaneous awakening, Activation it is integration time. Thus the Geomagnetic storm is an opportunity to get activated if you want.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site:
Space WEather news site:

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