#VFW Attacks Veteran | We Beat Sony Over #Helldivers2 (Or Did We?) | Skinemax Sat #66

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#GetWokeGoBroke #VFWgoesWoke #Helldivers2
A Marine Vet, who has fought for veterans for years, has been publicly attacked by the VFW. After backlash, the VFW uses woke victim language as the response.
Did the VFW go woke??

We celebrated a huge win over the Helldivers 2 PSN controversy. But did Sony fix the problem?

All this and much more plus our regular debauchery!

Full @angrycops video here:

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Scottie The MachineDumber:
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Big Rob: https://www.youtube.com/@bigrob99
Devil Made Me Do It: https://youtube.com/@BeelzeHub
Green-Haired Anti-Liberal: https://www.youtube.com/@Green-HairedAnti-Liberal
The Common Nerd: https://www.youtube.com/@thecommonnerd1791
Ryan - Legion Games 2076: https://www.youtube.com/c/LegionGames2076
Dermy Wermy: https://www.youtube.com/@dermywermy080
Laurence Knight: https://www.youtube.com/@KnightLore-zo8wh
Horny Alf: https://twitter.com/Hard_Furry
Raster Caster: https://twitter.com/RealRaster
Laurence Knight: https://twitter.com/LeKnight22

#GetWokeGoBroke #GoWokeGoBroke #VFWgoesWoke #Helldivers2

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