Quranic Variants - Jai and Daughter of Christ

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This Sunday (WE START AT 2PM NOT 4PM) we will be welcoming our brother Jai and Daughter of Christ to discuss Quran Variants. Quran variants are also known as “differences”. This means that the Quran has not be perfectly preserved.
Both Jai and Daughter of Christ are fluent in Arabic and are experts in recognizing the differences between Quranic texts and how these “variants” often lead to the meaning of the text being changed. Sunday we plan on discussing several of the differences and how they impact the Islamic belief of perfect preservation. If the Quran IS NOT perfectly preserved, then what impact does that have on the faith of the Muslims?
If you are interested asking questions pertaining to this topic please formulate them now and present during the show.
The Cross and the Crescent is a show dedicated to exposing the lies of the dawahghandists we often find on youtube and elsewhere and proclaiming the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
If you are interested in participating on the show, please email me and I will send you the streamyard link. (ericthekafir@gmail.com) If not, you can watch the show following the listed youtube link.
The show starts at 2PM (Central Standard Time) May 12th, 2024.
Enjoy the show.
Shalom – Eric

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Email: ericthekafir@gmail.com
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Website: https://www.thekafir.com
Twitter: @ericthekafir
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