Soulmate Storks Stand The Test Of Time With Their Long Distance Relationship

6 years ago

This is the heartwarming story of a stork couple standing the test of time with their long distance relationship. This makes both the partners and their bond stronger with time and also teaches us what unconditional love means. These stork soulmates shows us the true meaning of love at its finest!

Reportedly, a devoted male stork Klepetan flew thousands of kilometers back home to his handicapped mate Malena for the sixteenth time this spring. More than twenty years ago Malena was adopted by Stjepan Vokic after her wing was injured by hunters. Stjepan gave Malena a second chance at life by taking care of her. On the rooftop of the man’s house, Malena and Klepetan’s love blossomed.

Since Malena was unable to fly, the chances of her new relationship to last were slim. Nevertheless, the love of this amazing stork couple persisted. After leaving Malena at Stjepan’s care, Klepetan migrates to South Africa at the end of every summer, but he never fails to come back home to her at the beginning of spring. They have offsprings together and make for one happy family! Cuteness overload!

Wild storks found shelter in Stjepan’s home when this kind-hearted man opened his door to take care of them. These birds are known for their habit of migrating to warmer regions throughout the cold winter months, because the extremely cold temperatures cause the birds’ winds to freeze, preventing them from flying away and finding appropriate shelter.

These birds are peaceful creatures and like to nest near people on chimneys and electric poles where they build their large nests and bring offsprings. Would you adopt a pet stork?

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