Dr. William Egan's Career Accomplishments

9 months ago

Scientific/Management Career Summary

Dr. Egan has 10 awards for his scientific/management work and his military service.

Dr. Egan invented 2 highly successful, patented, commercial software products still sold today.

His work at Novartis on predictive modeling of phototoxicity enabled the discovery of the skin cancer drug Odomzo (sonidegib).

27 scientific publications and 4 patents in analytics, statistics, machine learning, and finance.

Positions Held: Director, Senior Manager, Group Leader, Project Head, Team Leader.

Military Service Summary

Captain, U.S. Army Reserve, Chemical Corps.

The wartime missions of Chemical units are to defend against nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons, provide smoke generation for maneuver concealment on the battlefield, and fight as mounted/mechanized infantry.

11 years service. Mobilized & deployed overseas.

Led troops six times: Detachment/Company Commander (3x), Company XO, Platoon Leader (2x)

4 medals, 1 unit award, Honorable Discharge.

4-year, full tuition Army ROTC Scholarship for college.

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