"The Secret Glory", Epilogue, by Arthur Machen

9 months ago

Jowett: Benjamin Jowett, a 19th century English theologican, Anglican cleric, tutor and adminsitrator at Oxford University,England,

quæ sursum est: which is above

Ave, cara sodalitas, ave semper: Farewell, dear fellowship, farewell always

Kevir: given the context of "the great salt slough", this is likely referring to Dasht-e Kevir, the Great Salt Desert in present day Iran. Which makes sense for it to be Iran if we're going to get the Turks and/or Kurds involved. Except, of course, "slough" suggests mud or mire, or swamp or tidal flat. Difficult to know what Machen had in mind given this conflicting information.

The picture used is "Dasht-e Kavir" by Philipp BockFollow, used here under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/).

To follow along: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/35637/35637-h/35637-h.htm#EPILOGUE

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