7 STRANGE Mysteries of Space !

9 months ago

"From dark energy and dark matter, to space flight, these are 7 STRANGE Mysteries of Space !

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7. The Great Dark Void | Empty Space in Space ?

6. Dark Matter | Primordial Black Holes

What is matter? Its any substance that has mass and volume. What is dark matter?

No one knows really. It is a hypothetical, massive, exotic, particle. But hey, if it wasn’t for dark matter, a lot of other things wouldn’t make any sense. Dark matter helps explain the unexplainable. Turns out i'm not an astrophysicist, but here it goes, scientists know what dark matter isn’t, more than what it is.

Here is what we know.
Dark matter does not emit any light, it does not reflect any light, it is not antimatter, and until recently, it was believed that dark matter is not a part of black holes.

Buutt, recently, theories linking dark matter to primordial black holes have surfaced.
And by primordial I mean black holes that were formed within the first fractions of a second of the universe’s existence.

5.The Great Attractor | Pulling The Strings

Right now, our very own Milky Way Galaxy is flying through space at an incredible 1.3 million miles an hour. Where are we headed? No one can say for certain, but scientists have dubbed it “the great attractor”.

Some possible explanations are a super giant cluster of galaxies that we are unable to see, a massive black hole, or a cluster of dark matter.

Considering we are also supposedly located in the biggest void of space we know of, its hard to imagine just what kind of forces lurk in the darkness, we just know know they are there.

It doesn’t help that the great attractor is also conveniently located in the center of the “zone of avoidance”, which is hardest area to visibly observe because of galactic space dust.

There are other theories of an even bigger attractor that is dragging us through space, however, this one is believed to be a super massive cluster of galaxies.

4. Dyson Swarms | KIC8462852

3.Dark Energy | The Force

Just like dark matter, we don’t know what exactly dark energy is, but we can venture a guess as to what its responsible for.

Since the 1990s humanity’s observations indicate that the universe is indeed expanding, at an accelerating rate.

Current measurements suggest that dark energy makes up about 68 % of the total energy in the observable universe. The density of dark energy is miniscule, but because it is uniform across space, it dominates.

In the grand scheme of things, dark energy is a bigger hypothetical than dark matter, and our chances of measuring, finding, or observing it are much smaller.

The easiest way to think of dark energy is as the fundamental energy of space. The energy density of empty space.

A little more on the expansion of the universe, scientists believe that the acceleration of the expansion of the universe began some 5 billion years ago, before that, it is believed that the expansion was decelerating due to dark matter.

But dark matter lost the battle, and dark energy rules supreme in our universe.

Orrrr, neither dark energy or dark matter exists, Einstein was wrong, and we need to fix the general theory of relativity. Sounds like fun huh?

2.Black Holes | Do they have a counterpart ?

1.The Size | Where are we?

The universe is defined as all of space and time, everything that has ever been or will be, including all forms of matter and energy.

The observable universe is estimated to be at least 156 to 554 billion light years in diameter, but for all we know, it could be infinitely big. For me, thinking of the universe as infinite is a lot easier than thinking about what comes after it. How about you, my dear viewer, how do YOU see the universe? Let me know in the comments below !

Our general understanding of the formation of the universe is the big bang theory, some 14 billion years ago, give or take a few million, something happened, and a fixed amount of energy and matter has been gently expanding. Into what? We don’t know, from what? We don’t know. How? We don’t know… most importantly… why ? We don’t know.

Humanity has a long way to go in exploring deep space.

On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin was the first human to journey in outer space.

4 years later, on March 18th, 1965, Alexey Leonov, the man you see in this grainy picture, became the first person to spacewalk. He stepped outside of his Voskhod-2 craft and for 12 minutes and 9 seconds, experienced what it's like to be in outer space.

Then, on July 20th, 1969, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin actually walked on the moon.

“One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.”

Hopefully the future brings more of these moments for mankind."

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