Biden WH Won't Like CNN's Explanation For 'Why Trump Is In A MUCH Better Position Than 4 Years Ago'

4 months ago

The November elections are just a little less than six months away so anything could happen until that time, but from time to time it's interesting to look at a snapshot of how the race is shaping up. President Biden did an interview this week on CNN that amazingly, though not surprisingly, contained almost one lie per minute. Also on that cable net was more bad news for the Biden campaign that also indicates the Left's haste to heap indictments on Trump continues to backfire on the Dems: CNN talking heads are forced to admit Trump is "holding on to more of his base" of 2020 voters than Biden and "is in a much better position than he was 4 years ago." Absolutely devastating for the left. 😂

For the Biden campaign, the trajectory has to be disturbing, and all they have as a strategy is to lie about how great everything's going. It's not working. Of course, all this polling has the additional margin of error of plus or minus any shenanigans when counting the votes on and around Election Day. Rasmussen Reports @Rasmussen_Poll: “Let’s look at one more poll to make sure CNN and Rasmussen Reports aren’t outliers. Gallup found that Biden’s 13th quarter approval average was the lowest in history, at only 39%, going back as far as President Eisenhower. By comparison, Trump, at the same point in his presidency, had 47% approval, eight points higher than Biden.” -- How are all those indictments working out so far, Democrats?

• More at: Twitchy - Biden WH WON'T Like CNN's Explanation for 'Why Trump Is in a MUCH Better Position Than 4 Years Ago'

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