Devilish Tricks, CME, Northern Lights, DNA Upgrade. Biblical Truth, God Wins

8 months ago

The Law of Encroachment prayer is below the comments:
The devil blocks some of our talents, with sins, evil devices, fear and/or parasites. Some sell their souls and the devil unblocks, giving the false impression that he is the author of human success. He creates the problem, then buys souls with a false solution.
Discernment is the combination of wisdom and courage motivated by love. We must have discernment to understand and to successfully navigate the evil mine fields that the devil and his minions in the deep state are trying to entrap us with. How many innocent people are in prison, put there by devil worshipping pedophiles? How many pastors are asleep or sitting on the fence (the fence belongs to the devil) and not living the truth with their flocks, thus leading them to the slaughter. We must wake up and serve Our Lord and eachother.
We were created in the image and likeness of God which means we have our soul, our mind and our body. Our prayer life fortifies and nourishes our souls. Our attitude about life in our surroundings and the ones we love are good indication of how well our mind is working. We read good books and keep our minds free of the garbage of pop culture, gambling and porn. We take good care of our bodies with a good diet, good exercise and good vitamins/nutraceuticals such as the root brands to help us maximize our physical condition (
I’m a prostate cancer survivor. I’m in remission. I was treated for stage 2 cancer with the cyber-knife at Georgetown University Hospital. After the treatment I became quite weak and could not workout for 6 months. Then I began lifting 240 lbs for my bench press with my Welder 1500X (identical to Bo-Flex). For the next year and a half lifting 3 times a week I plateaued at one set with 270 lbs. I started taking the root brands trinity pack and give me back my youth in mid February 2023. Since then I have grown substantially stronger and now do three sets of 10-12 reps of the bench press with 320 lbs.
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LAW of ENCROACHMENT and gene Decode Prayer
I invoke the Law of Encroachment over all my loved ones, past, present and future, and especially (Name) and plead that all curses, contracts, and demonic devices be identified, renounced and taken out of us. I plead that all beings of awareness, life force, thought-form, all entities, assemblages, graphene oxides, spike proteins, evil additives, and all else that exist that do not have our highest interest and that of all life everywhere, and are not in the highest service to the One and Only God of All Creation, in thought, form, mind, action, deed and in all ways, as well as all artificial intelligence (AI) and all the technologies they use, or that support them, and all else that is artificial life or artificial life forms not created by the One and Only God of All Creation, I demand to leave our mind, spirit, body, soul and all that we are on all levels, dimensions, densities, and locations, now and forever. All permissions to create and maintain attachments, influence from within, or without, in any way to cohabit or possess in part or in whole, to effect or defect in any way, or feed off our energy, mind, spirit, body, anything that we are on any dimension, density, level or location; to alter or change our thoughts, emotions, structure, or genetics; anything we are in any way on any and all densities, dimensions, levels, or locations; to create any pain, discomfort or to put us into disharmony or alter my Service or Divine path assigned to me by the One and Only God of All Creation, are permanently and forever removed. All contracts, obligations, and agreements that we have made that are not in our highest interest and not in the highest interest of all life everywhere and not in the service to the One and Only God of All Creation, we now declare null and void: all emptiness, holes, vacancies, rips, tears, and injuries from this invocation, contract negation and removal of artificial intelligence are now to be filled with the Divine Light of the Holy Spirit, the Word of the One and Only God of All Creation and the healing compassion of His only Begotten Son Jesus Christ. All protections, together with all of this invocation, are asked for in the Name and in the Authority of the One and Only God of All Compassion, Love, Light and All Creation, the Divine Holy Spirit and His only Begotten Son Jesus Christ. As it is said, it is done and sealed now and for all time on behalf of all people, past, present and future, in His Divine Will. Amen. (by courtesy of Gene Decode)

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