
1 month ago

A Poem

Psalms and Gospels uttered outside the grave.
The tomb focal and venerated in restless anticipation.
A single flame multiplied throughout the nave—
In exile, we wandered in solemn procession.

(Arise! Arise!)
We entered to the light that defeated darkness.
The risen Christ harrowed Hade’s breadth!
(Sing! Sing!)
The bells rung for those of love and consciousness.
The risen Christ trampled down death by death!

(Rejoice! Rejoice!)
For the walking sepulchers, He arose to bestow life!
For the bereft and bodiless, He rose to ascend paradise!
(Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!)
The Bridegroom sought, now sustains His faithful Wife,
Like the Sun finding the Bloodroot’s petals upon His rise.

Death, you invited your conqueror, the Ruler and King!
Death! Where is your victory? Where is your sting?

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