The WTC & Greater Israel: How, Who & Why.

21 days ago

The WTC & Greater Israel: How, Who & Why.

Gives an in-depth examination of how the WTC buildings were brought down, through scientific research, footage, and eye witness accounts.

Providing evidence of who was behind it, how it may have been implemented, and why it was necessary for the fulfillment of multiple Zionist agendas.

00:01 Controlled Demolition Science/Footage/Witnesses
59:28 Israeli Art Students Gelatin & The B-Thing
1:16:00 Mossad & The Dancing Israelis
1:30:20 Lucky Larry Silverstein & WTC-7
1:44:54 Righteous Indignation
1:50:44 The Bush Deception
1:54:56 Mossad's Blackmail Operation
2:07:32 Bin Laden, Twin Towers & Messianic Prophecy
2:29:37 Benjamin Netanyahu The Jewish Zealot
2:32:19 Zionist Power Through AIPAC
3:09:24 Endless Wars For Greater Israel
3:22:26 Israel, The CIA, & ISIS
3:32:50 Forced To Fight Their Wars
3:42:16 "If It Quacks Like A Duck"


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