CCP Uses TikTok to Spread Disinfo, Incite US Student Protests, Destabilize America

7 months ago

05/08/2024 Ava on Winn Tucson China Watch: The CCP is extremely insidious. It uses TikTok to feed American young people disinformation and incite student protests to destabilize the United States. The students manipulated by the CCP thought they were speaking out for justice, but they did not know they were blinded. They did not know that Hamas was the real perpetrator of crimes, killing Palestinians and blaming Israel.
05/08/2024 Ava做客Winn Tucson China Watch:中共阴险至极,通过抖音向美国年轻人灌输虚假信息,煽动学生抗议以扰乱美国。被中共操纵的学生以为自己在为正义发声,却不知道自己被蒙蔽了双眼,不知道哈马斯才是真正犯下罪行、杀害巴勒斯坦人并嫁祸于以色列的凶手。

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