Robotic Senator Bob Casey Rendered Mute by Gaza Brain Freeze

10 months ago

Senator Robert Casey Jr. who inherited a political career from his father Governor Robert Casey, Sr. has managed to get by for almost 20 years in the U.S. Senate by doing basically nothing but meaningless shuckin' and jivin' which, along with strong support from the Democrats, has managed to keep him in office. However, this year poor Casey is up for re-election and the Gaza issue threatens to divide his Democrat constituency especially since Joe Biden plans to resettle many Gazans in the USA, including Pennsylvania. Unfortunately for the Senate's Robby the Robot, he has not yet been programmed on how to respond to the question as to whether or not he supports such Gazan resettlement. The result is his circuits became overloaded which rendered him mute when questioned on this issue as you can see.

The Mighty Casey at bat somehow managed to strike out without even attempting to swing at the ball.

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