10 months ago

The Liberty Podcast lineup this week covers the spectrum of human nature, from betrayal, to deception, to greed, to despair and to fear.

The Biden regime, in a pathetic display of desperate pandering, is blatantly turning its back on Israel even in the face of overwhelming public support for our loyal ally's mission to annihilate Iran-backed Hamas in Gaza.

Why? The Wall Street Journal hints at Biden's motive in a stern editorial smackdown. But the Journal falls short of condemning the regime's calculation that it can capture pockets of pro-Islam, pro-Hamas, pro-Destroy Israel voters in battleground states this November. The Left's lust to cling to power finds it undermining America's standing in the world when it comes to defending liberty.

When Biden is not pandering he is lying. During a CNN interview amid a campaign stop in Wisconsin, stumbling Joe proclaimed that his economic plan saved the nation from an inflation rate of 9% when he took over the White House in 2021. CNN's Erin Burnett likely was ill-informed, or perhaps merely carrying his water, in failing to note that inflation was at a historically low level (1.4%) at the conclusion of the Trump administration. A chart (nearby) shows the escalation of Biden-flation beginning in April 2021 toward a peak of 9% about one year later.

North Carolina Treasury Secretary Dale Folwell has lost patience with hospital cartels gaming a special designation to impose high costs on cancer patients and amass obscene profit. Folwell released a report on May 8, 2024, finding that 340B-designated N.C. hospitals billed state employees an average price markup of 5.4 times their discounted acquisition costs for oncology drugs (emphasis added). Hospitals generated average spread profits as high as $13,617 per claim on cancer drugs paid for by the North Carolina State Health Plan for Teachers and State Employees.

Treasurer Folwell is calling on state and federal lawmakers to reform the 340B Drug Pricing Program and to provide hospital price relief to state employees and taxpayers.

While students join hired campus rioters disrupting universities across the nation -- in the name of a "free Palestine" (aka, pro-Hamas murderers) -- and vandalizing property with little resistance from law enforcement, so-called January 6 "insurrectionists" continue to be hunted down by the federal government. A Florida man, 55, facing multiple charges handed down more than three years after J6, became so distraught in the face of grave injustice that he committed suicide by shooting himself, reports The Epoch Times. While campus thugs hurl bricks and burn American flags, the late David Homol's perilous "offense" was assaulting Capitol police with a PLASTIC flagpole.

An election season is upon. So it's time for health officials to begin spinning a new pandemic narrative. The Food & Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control want us to awaken to the potential for a bird flu pandemic that will make COVID-19 seem like a mere inconvenience (or, like what it was for most folks -- a severe head cold). Be very afraid, the agencies warn. Let's not fall for it, but let us remain vigilant.

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