Persona 3 Reload, Part 25: Running Out The Clock Like Always

9 months ago

Fortune gets reverse Uno'd by his dad, Star reveals more of his tragic past, Strength is talking about babies (UwU), and Emperor gets what he effing deserves. I realize I'm running out of time and need to spread myself thin to ensure I can cram what remains in... I'm not certain but I feel like I have ~80 days to do ~70 social links that aren't available every day. I also find out that the cosmos always wanted my favorite number to be four, somehow, and disclosed a couple takes that to me are lukewarm, but some people might find hot. We wrap up entering Tartarus, and might or might not be there when we come back; stay tuned!

If you're young or a parent and are reading this: this is a dark game. It is rated M for mature because it does exceed T in some things. There is no sex (though there is the occasional suggestiveness you'd expect from pubescents), there is death but it's mostly unrealistic (fantasy monsters) and not shown (happens just off screen), the summoning comes off as dark, but quickly fades into the background. Some blood and mature language is found here. I feel any normal high schooler since at least the 1980s has been exposed to this content in their daily lives besides magical fantasy violence. This is not for 8 year olds; 12 year olds probably can handle it depending on maturity, 15 year olds almost certainly can.

Intro and outro music usually by @GunshipMusic, who are rad and you should support them.

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