5.9.2024 - Groovy Jimmy - Thursday Night Groovin, @Alicia4America come tap in

29 days ago

Jimmy renames his 3rd Coast Jimmy channel to @GroovyJimmyKSide, "Groovy Jimmy". He tags Queen Ma'at in the title after hearing her mention him on Action Potential 23's stream earlier in the day. Since YouTube demonetized him for 'repetitive content' he declares that he will upload 1000 AI Jazz Music instrumentals for youtubers to use as beats for their raps.
Despite seeing her manly features and hearing her roast the shit out of him, Jimmy still wants to pimp her out. He wants her money and he wants to do 'sick nasty' things with her...

He joins mookies panel and gets cooked, then reviews Queen Ma'at's stream about him. 5 mins into the replay, she privates it and jimmy ends the stream out of frustration.

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