Media Manipulation and Sociology

24 days ago

Television is a massive mind control weapon used for brainwashing and indoctrination of society. It shapes completely how we perceive the world and give us the illusion of being informed, that we really know what is going on in the world we live in.

0:00 - Introduction
1:00 - How are the news fabricated?
2:43 - What are the limitations of television?
5:59 - Narcissus exhibition
7:08 - Marketing brainwashing
9:17 - Agenda-setting
10:55 - Democracy and free speech
13:27 - Propaganda
15:12 - Predictive programming

Website with articles and updates:
Check the video "Europe for Europeans - The Great Replacement":


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Noelle-Neumann, E. (1993). The Spiral of Silence: Public Opinion - Our Social Skin, 2nd Edition. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

Orwell, G. (1949). 1984. Barcelona: Impressão Printer.

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Ulfkotte, U. (2014). Presstitues: Embedded in the pay of the CIA. Rottenburg: ProgRESSive.

Understanding, E. (Director). (2017). 9/11 Predicted in Media [Motion Picture]. Retrieved from

Warrick, J. (Director). (2011). Programming the Nation? [Motion Picture].

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