Episode 95 - Did Secret Service Malfeasance End With the Motorcade? (Conspirator #5, Part III)

1 month ago

For more content from Barry Jones, go to sphistory.com. Question: How were the shooters and spotters able to flee the scene after the shooting? Answer: Secret Service cover. Question: How did physical evidence (JFK's body and the limo) disappear after the shooting? Answer: The Secret Service's "get-away" plan. Question: What do Secret Service agents Thomas Shipman and Richard Douglas "Chuck" Robertson have in common? Answer: Both were "disappeared" after learning of the plot and refusing to go along with it. Question: What role did Secret Service agent Elmer Moore play in the post-assassination clean-up? Answer: As Secret Service Inspector Thomas Kelley's enforcer, Moore cleaned up loose ends. Question: What do Ed Hoffman, Gordon Arnold, Lee Bowers, and Joe Marshall Smith have in common? Answer: All corroborated each other's story - the shooter on the Grassy Knoll used Secret Service credentials to escape. Question: Who served as the Elite Guard protecting POTUS while 10 Secret Service agents partied the night away at The Cellar? Answer: Dallas fireman.

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