Tigers are skilled predators with several hunting techniques depending on their environment and prey

10 months ago

Tigers are skilled predators with several hunting techniques depending on their environment and prey

Stalking: Tigers are masters of stealth. They often stalk their prey silently through dense vegetation, using their striped fur as camouflage. They move slowly and cautiously, minimizing noise to get as close as possible before launching an attack.
Ambush: Tigers prefer to ambush their prey rather than engage in a chase. Once they're within striking distance, they pounce with incredible speed and force, usually aiming for the neck or throat to quickly incapacitate their victim.
Patience: Tigers are patient hunters, sometimes waiting for hours or even days near a water source or a known game trail for prey to come within range. They rely on their acute senses of sight, hearing, and smell to detect any potential prey nearby.
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