US Presidential candidate Jill Stein calls out Biden over Israel-Gaza position | LBC

27 days ago

US Presidential candidate Jill Stein calls out Biden over Israel-Gaza position | LBC
US Green Party Presidential Candidate Dr Jill Stein tells LBC’s Andrew Marr that ‘fascism is alive and well’ in the US and accuses President Biden of ‘leading the charge on genocide’ in Gaza.
Sangita was censured by LBC for saying far less about Gaza than Jill Stein
The USA needs to be in the international court of Justice
I miss Sangita. You got rid of a brilliant presenter and journalist.
Excellent to see this Jewish lady speaking up.
Me and my family are voting for Jill Stein. Democrats and Republicans have gone too far with Israel.
Dr. Stein would have my vote here in California.


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