"Dog Bites Open Can of Spray on Christmas"

6 years ago

"Christmas is such an amazing holiday because it brings lots of fun and excitement for the whole family. Having said that Christmas is a holiday celebrated by the whole family, that means that the canine family members have to be involved in the festivities as well! If you were wondering what is the best way to get your pooches into the Christmas spirit this video might not be able to help you be that but it sure will give you all the giggles! This video shows two cute dogs obviously excited for everything Christmas brings. And what better way to start getting into the festive mood than decorating the house! One of the dogs offers to help with spray painting the windows so he bites a can of spray open. OMG! Let it snow, let it snow! The spray goes everywhere and everybody goes crazy! LOL, how funny is this doggy the troublemaker? Absolutely hilarious!"

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