Tiavi Tv Speak to the dead bones - #speaklife #prophecy #hope #prayer #victory #injesusname #freedom

9 months ago

I am praying for you! Right now! Powerful prayers! I send out the angels to fight for you now! I pray you feel the presence of Jesus and know he is with you and he is breaking of every addiction every curse healing you of every sickness you are free in Jesus name and loving your God given destiny! I want you to speak life over yourself! Jesus says speak to those dead bones and tell them to live ! Prophecy over yourself and your dead situation right now! By faith! Speak life ! Victory is yours!
#warrior #victory #prophecy #deadbones #hope #breakthrough #breakthechains #deliverance #setfree #destiny #powerfulprayer #prayforme #angels

I Love All Of you In Jesus! Believe and see what he will do in your life!

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