INTERVIEW: John Carpay

27 days ago

We sat down with JCCF President John Carpay to discuss many issues relevant to all Canadians. The JCCF is involved with a lengthy list of legal battles in the Canadian court system. They have a team of 9 lawyers and 5 paralegals working around the clock to address the avalanche of assaults on our rights and freedoms since the beginning of Covid-19 and the adjacent lockdowns, forced injections and violations of our freedoms of speech, assembly, transit and the right to gain a livelihood.


We had a big victory in January of 2024, in regards to the illegal use of the Emergencies Act by Prime Minister Trudeau, we received a favourable ruling from the Federal Court Judge Mosley who ruled that Prime Minister Trudeau acted illegally in invoking and using the Emergencies Act.

The Justice Center provided lawyers for Canadians who filed affidavits that were put before the court in a court action.

Don’t fall into the traps of either extreme paranoia thinking everyone is out to get you or naive gullibility, believing everything politicians say.

A high degree of of non-compliance with unconstitutional health orders is what Canadians need to do next time around.

Online Harms Act is the worst threat to freedom of expression in generations. John is not aware of any other piece of legislation that, is, gonna have such a chilling effect on political debate in this country.

JCCF scored free speech victory for Nurse Leah Mckinnis in Saskatchewan, who was punished by the College of Physicians for stating publicly that vaccines should not be mandatory.

“Live out your life according to your your faith, your religion, your conscience. Practice what you believe. Exercise your freedom of association, gather peacefully. As long as we keep on exercising these these rights and freedoms, it's very hard for government to take them away.”

~ John Carpay, JCCF


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