Perimenopause Update: I think I am over my doctor & NO biopsy update... yet.

24 days ago

Hey friends! Welcome back to another Perimenopause update. I am still trying to complete all the tasks my doctor is asking me to do for me to get her to prescribe HRT. But I am just not sure we are on the same page. Earlier this week I thought I was on my way for a biopsy for the lump that was found in my mammogram last Fall. Unfortunately my doctor sent me to a breast specialist who thought I was there for a consult to perform a biopsy of the lump. This is no needed for a surgical lumpectomy the type of lump I have. No physician I have seen has stated that this lump is really anything to worry about, other than my primary care doc, who I am learning is extremely hesitant to prescribe HRT. I feel as though she sent me to this particular physician to either convince me to hold off on HRT or perhaps skip it. This specialist typically performs surgeries for woman who have breast cancer. Nothing so far is pointing to me having cancer. I just don't understand my doctors thought process on this appointment. Everyone I have talked to on my healthcare team has shared that because of my breast reduction and the way the lump looks on imaging that the likelihood of scar tissue is extremely high. There is always a risk and everything you do will also change the trajectory of your health potentially. You obviously have to make an informed decision. At this point I think I'll seek a second opinion of another doctor. How is your journey going? Please subscribe if you are new!

Check out other videos in this series here:
Third video in series:
Second video in series:
First video in series:

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