Science Can't Explain It — Miracle Painting of Our Lady of Good Counsel

1 month ago

𝗕𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗮 𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝘆! 𝗖𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗛𝗲𝗿𝗲:

Science Can't Explain It — Miracle Painting of Our Lady of Good Counsel

A miraculous painting of Our Lady flew from one country to another to avoid desecration at the hands of invaders. To this day the painting can be found on the same wall where it hovered centuries ago. Stay with me to hear the true story of this supernatural phenomenon….

Hello and welcome to America Needs Fatima, my name is Adrien Fonseca! Thank you all for being here today. I think you’re going to enjoy this miraculous story….

Our tale takes place in the third century, when an order was given to build a shrine dedicated to the Mother of God under the title of Mother of Good Counsel. So, the church was built on the ruins of Roman temples in the little Italian town of Genazzano, Italy.

Over time, the church began to show signs of disrepair. But financial difficulties prevented the necessary and urgent restoration of the ancient temple, until a Third Order Augustinian, Petruccia de Nocera, resolved to take the initiative.

After obtaining permission, Petruccia donated her goods to initiate the restoration in the hope that others would help complete it once it was started, but it was barely enough to complete the first phase of the new construction and no one came forth to help.

To her dismay, the building had hardly risen three feet when construction came to a halt due to lack of resources. Her friends and neighbors began to ridicule her.

Until on April 25, 1467, the feast day of the city’s patron, Saint Mark, a crowd gathered in celebration in front of the unfinished church of the Mother of Good Counsel.

At about four in the afternoon, everyone heard the chords of a beautiful melody that seemed to come from heaven. The people looked up toward the towers of the churches and saw a white cloud that shone with a thousand luminous rays; it gradually neared the stunned crowd to the sound of an exceptionally beautiful melody.

Suddenly, the bells of the old tower began to ring by themselves, and the other bells of the town rang miraculously in unison. The cloud itself gradually vanished, and revealed a beautiful painting of Our Lady tenderly holding her Divine Son in her arms. Almost immediately, Our Lady began to miraculously cure the sick and grant countless consolations.

And amid the general enthusiasm caused by the painting, Our Lady wished to divulge the true origin of the marvelous fresco.

Okay, back to our story. Remember, the painting of Our Lady had just appeared, and had started miraculously curing the sick and dying…

In the same year that the painting flew to Genazzano, the city of Scutari in Albania, was expected to be captured at any moment by the Turkish army. With its fall, Christian Albania would be defeated. Giorgio and De Sclavis thought of fleeing, but something kept them in Scutari, where there was a small church, considered the shrine of the whole Albanian kingdom. In this church the faithful venerated a picture of Our Lady which had mysteriously descended from the heavens two hundred years before.

So the two Albanians went to the old church to ask their Blessed Mother for the good counsel they needed. That night, Our Lady commanded them in their sleep to follow the miraculous fresco. The next morning, they saw the picture detach itself from the wall on where it had been for two centuries. It hovered for a moment and was then suddenly wrapped in a white cloud.

The painting traveled at a pace that allowed the two walkers to follow, first to the coast, then over the Adriatic Sea, where they walked on the waves, until they reached Rome, when the cloud disappeared before their eyes. All their attempts to find the painting failed.

But soon amazing news came to Rome: A picture of Our Lady had appeared in Genazzano. The two Albanians rushed to find their country’s beloved treasure miraculously suspended in the air next to the wall of the chapel where it remains to this day.

Careful investigation later proved that the two were telling the truth and that the image was actually the same one that had hung at the shrine in Scutari. The image of Our Lady hovered in the back left portion of the foundation approximately four feet in the air. This became the main altar in the church and the fresco still remains suspended in the air after five hundred years.

Science Can't Explain It — Miracle Painting of Our Lady of Good Counsel

America Needs Fatima is a campaign to capture the heart and soul of America with the Message of Our Lady of Fatima. In 1917, Our Lady asked for prayer, penance and other measures to avoid chastisement of suffering, famines, and wars. She also promised that:

“Finally, my Immaculate Heart will triumph.”


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