Helldivers 2: How To Check Banned Countries Status

9 months ago

Link to check in SteamDB: https://steamdb.info/sub/137730/history/?filterkey=16

Steps From Video:
Checking Hell divers 2 Restrictions

Wanna check whether or not the banned countries have been liberated before updating your review? Here’s how:
1. Go to steamb.info
2. In the top right, sign in through steam
3. Search hell divers 2
4. Select packages on the left hand side and hell divers id 137730
5. Scroll down to update history, located in the left hand side towards the bottom
6. In the load filters section under history, click and select extended_purchaserestrictedcountries
7. Scroll down and check timestamp as well as what’s outlined within the changes pushed.

Or select the link above, login through steam and you’re good to go!

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