Why Does Big Pharma Love Vaccines So Much?

10 months ago

World-renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough has figured it out.

The answer, in a nutshell, is money. But watch and listen to this 48-second clip to see how perverse things really are.

For instance, in clinical trials for RSV among adults, fewer than 1% of participants actually contract the disease.

“It’s like a mild cold. If you didn’t test it, you would never know about it. Less than 1% of people get it,” remarked Dr. McCullough.

“If you had your pharmaceutical company, do you want to make a drug that treats under 1% of the people, or do you want to make a vaccine that everybody takes?” he asked.

The answer is that nearly every time, Big Pharma says, “Let’s get 100%.”

“So the vaccine lobby has figured this out. Make an emergency, and then don’t work on the therapeutics. Go for vaccines.”

Full Interview: https://youtu.be/J78HyjhcqnQ?si=RZdrppqF74t61cCH

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