Should we make a holster for the Sig Foxtrot 2R?

7 months ago

You know we love to allow you to #flexyourguns, that’s why we support so many custom grip modules. So we thought we’d ask if we should start supporting the Sig Foxtrot 2R Weapon Mounted Light. Who wants to see us start making holsters with this option? Let us know in the comments. #tacrig #sig #sigsauer #foxtrot #weaponmountedlight #options #modular #holsters #modularholsters #productdevelopment #p365 #p320 #icarus #icarusprecision #sharpsbros #mischiefmachine #juggernauttactical @sigsauerusa @icarus_precision @icarusprecision @mischief_machine @juggernauttactical @sharpsbros

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