Comments 76-78: Black America's False Perceptions & Belief Constructs That Are Not Based On Truth

6 months ago

Comment Number 76 is on the KEY OF LIFE PRODUCTIONS channel. Comment Number 77 is on the BABA TV FIRE EVERYTIME channel and Comment Number 78 is on the HOUSE OF KONSCIOUSNESS channel. Facts: The KKK, White Aryans, Progressives, Socialism and all other Socialist based organizations came out of the Democrat Party that 99% of Black people vote for and support. Democrats have destroyed neighborhoods, communities, education, religion, social values, the family, cities, states and are rapidly destroying an entire nation and Black people. Ignorant Whites and others, vote for them anyway. To overcome the perverted mentalities exhibited by millions of Black people, Lies must be replaced with Truth, opinions replaced with Facts and the Illusions of Integration with the Actuality of Desegregation.

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