10 months ago

Adult Material; Nonviolent Non-Hateful Solution; Original Video Upload June 18, 2023; Nonreligious, Independent Study. CONTENTS: Rob Scholte Museum Facebook site, John Hamer’s book, “Jack the Ripper Was Winston Churchill’s Father,” Masonic Ritual Murder, Blackmailing the Royal Family, William Gull (Surgeon), “Daily Mail Saturday,” Aaron Kosminski, Illuminati, John Hamer’s book “The Falsification of History – Our Distorted Reality,” Whitechapel (East London), Mary Ann Nicholls, London Metropolitan Police Force, Inspector Frederick Abberline, Walter Sickert (Art Tutor), Duke of Clarence “Prince Eddie,” King Edward VII & Queen Alexandra, Queen Victoria, King George V, Royal Inbreeding, Freemasonry, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha Family sponsored Adam Weishaupt (Founder of the Illuminati, a Freemasonry offshoot), Royal Alpha Lodge (in Kensington Palace), Satanist Aleister Crowley, Annie Elizabeth Crook, Mary Jean Kelly, “Constitutional Crisis,” Buckingham Palace, Partial Frontal Lobotomy & “Certified Insane,” “Princes of the Blood Royal,” J. K. Stephen (Eddie’s former Cambridge University tutor), Sir Charles Warren (Commission, Metropolitan Police), John Netley (Coachman), Virginia Woolf, LORD RANDOLPH SPENCER CHURCHILL (Prominent Freemason; Secretary of State for India; Leader of the House of Commons; Chancellor of the Exchequer; Father of future Prime Minister Winston Churchill), Annie Chapman, “The Three Juwes” (Jubela, Jubelo, Jubelum; the murderes of Hiram Abiff) & the Freemason spelling of “Jews” as “Juwes,” Lizzie Stride, Catherine Eddowes, John Kelly, Masonic Chalk Epitaph in Mitre Square: “The Juwes are the men that will not be blamed for nothing,” Scotland Yard, Joseph Sickert, Earl of Strathmore (owner of Glamis Castle in Scotland), Prince Eddie’s Death (reported happening on 1/14/1892), Balmoral Castle, Attempted Murder of Prince Eddie, Eddie’s Lifetime Incarceration, “The Favor” or “The Pact” between the Earl of Strathmore & Royal Family, Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon, Future King George VI, Former King Edward VIII, Princess Diana, Occultism, Multiple Theories of “Jack the Ripper,” “The Elite,” Future King Charles III, Future King William V & brother Harry, 1997 Death of Diana in Paris, 1991 Book “The Ripper and The Royals” by Melvyn Fairclough, Chris Everard (British Filmmaker), Henry Makow, Militarization of the Police, Corporation of London, Club of Rome, Roman Empire, What the First Law of God & the term “Jews” means, Pharisees, Torah, Deuteronomy 10:16, “King of the Jews,” “Confession,” “Belief,” The Holy Ghost (Holy Spirit; Matthew 12:31-33), Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Atheism, Psychiatry, History Books, “The Victors,” “The stone the builders rejected,” “Restoration” or “Great Reset,” One Covenant, The #1 Lie on Earth, Jewish Ancestry, Japan, ADL, Rabbis, Priests, 23 years appeals, Problem-Solving without hurting others, “People of the Circumcision,” “Gentiles” (‘People of the Uncircumcision), Coverups, Oppressions, Circumcision of the Heart, Misogyny, Racism, Homophobia, Freedom, Dumbed-Down, Humans NOT “stupid,” “All Eyes Shall See,” Jesus The Christ, “Seat of the Christ,” Judgment Throne, “The dead shall rise,” “The elect shall rise,” Revelation of the “dead letter” (Bible not to be Literalized), “Holy Land,” “Restoration of Israel,” Second Coming, “Last Trump,” Monopolized Media, One Stone (One Law), “Great Ultimatum” (Opportunity to Change), Chaos Builders, Africa, India, Pacific, Japan, North & South America, Repentance Rituals, Law of Self-Preservation (of Safety First & Peace), “Jesuit Theater” (Eric Jon Phelps), The Atheist Psyop, Richard Dawkins, Bill Maher, Ben Shapiro, Ricky Gervais, “American Atheists,” False Narrative, “Truth makes us free,” 49 years of Study, The Savior Way, “The All of The Law,” Trudeau, Trump, Biden, King Charles, Harry and Meghan, The Vatican, Pedophile Systems, Ancient Biblical Solution to Hate & Violence.

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