WORKSHOP: See in the Dark

8 months ago

Intuition is more than a feeling, it is a language written on the canvas of the BodyMind

The first event went deep, and we plan on going there again with you! Join this live interactive online storytelling experience where you have the opportunity to choose your own adventure!

Each story told from the perspective of the Soul through the communication of the BodyMind, with an opportunity to have your BodyMind decoded LIVE!

Monday, May 27 from 2-6 pm EST. Entire experience only $25
*BONUS* 20 minutes personal BodyMind Decoding for $25, only 6 available! DM to reserve your spot.

Topics available to discuss and more…
✨Mental health, Addiction, dis-ease
✨Body part shapes, function & messages
✨Body misalignments & deformations
✨Accidents, surgeries & injuries as Divine messages
✨Abuse (abuser or abused)
✨Relationship & trauma patterns
✨Blacked out periods of life & the BodyMind as the light of truth
✨Subconscious reprogramming
✨How emotions affect babies in the womb
✨Body modifications & effects on energy flow
✨Sex & celibacy
✨Religious programming & abuse

#SeeInTheDark #RawLove #SpiritualAdulting #EmotionalMaturity #SpiritualMaturity #EmotionalIntelligence #InnerWork #ShadowWork #Reprogramming #SubconsciousReprogramming #StoryTelling #StoryTime #BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #BodyMindCommunication #EnergyReading #Intution

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