Next Level Training SIRT 110 : The Best Dryfire Training Tool for Striker Fired Handguns

7 months ago

The Next Level Training SIRT110 pistol is a really solid training aid that is an excellent investment for any serious marksman. This is actually by far my most used dryfire training product simply because of the convenience and safety advantages that having a dedicated dryfire training pistol offers.

In an age where ammo is becoming more and more expensive, I personally believe dryfire products are going to become more and more popular. In fact, when ammo prices and firearm unavailability skyrocketed back in 2020, so did innovation around dryfire products. In fact, this is when I started developing dryfire training simulators, which I'll talk a little more about when we really put the SIRT 110 training pistol to the test.

Let's talk about what the SIRT is. The SIRT 110 is a laser dryfire training tool that replicates a Glock 17 in terms of size and attempts to clone its trigger pull. The trigger isn't exactly the same, but it functions much like any striker fired pistol trigger in terms of its reset and mechanics. The SIRT fires a laser, with red, green, and infrared options available.

So overall the SIRT is a great little tool. However, I want to give you 9 reasons why you should consider the SIRT 110.

Dryfire options for glock or other striker fired pistols are very limited if you want a resetting trigger
If you primarily shoot striker fired guns, you might be aware of these laser dryfire cartridges. I don't like these products for a few reasons. I actually used to promote them, even resell them, until I realized that they can induce training scars.

Having to rack the slide to reset the trigger really limits what types of dryfire exercises you can do. This is because the electronic cartridge cannot cycle the slide, which is required for resetting the striker and trigger bar. The only practical usage for laser dryfire cartridges that I can see now-a-days is first shot from the holster.

The SIRT 110 is the exact dimensions of the Glock 17. It is cross compatible with glock 17 holsters. However the resetting trigger, from where the sirt gets its name, shot indicating resetting trigger, allows you to simulate a glock 17 trigger pull from take up, wall, break, back to reset, just like a typical striker fired trigger.

Now there are other options like the dryfire mag, which can be used with a sound activated laser as well. We'll be covering those products in a future video, so subscribe to the channel if interested, but be aware that those are also viable training options and may better suit your needs.

Since, the sirt 110 has the exact same size, shape, and feel as the Glock 17, and since most of my pistols are all glock, glock clones, or striker fired designs. There is no difference in terms of the feel or muscle motions that I use between this training tool and the any of my real pistols.

Training with a dedicated laser replica pistol like the SIRT110 is safer then training with a real pistol. While yes, you can and should dryfire with your actual pistol, you must be extremely careful to always prep your environment to make sure that 1, the chamber of the weapon is empty, 2, you are only dryfire training with empty magazines, and 3, no ammunition is available anywhere in the area that you are dryfire training with. Tools like the dryfire mag with a laser has similar safety advantages.

The SIRT is the best and safest way to practice home defense. When used in conjunction with dryfire training simulators, especially my baby that i've been developing since 2019, PROJECT MARS, Marksmanship Augmented Reality Simulators, particularly MARS mobile which can be set up anywhere with any target. You'll be able to practice multiple skills without fear of a negligent discharge. I feel a lot more comfortable practicing these important skills knowing that a negligent discharge of an actual projectile is impossible.

And all of those reasons are not to even mention, with the SIRT coming in with an MSRP of $239, it is a steal compared to the number of reps you'll get out of it. Ive dry fired tens of thousands of reps with mine and it still functions great. Yet it costs less than a case of 9mm. The SIRT will pay for itself many times over.

So overall we really like this product. It's excellent for running dryfire training drills. As I create more content around dryfire, especially with training tips and drills, you'll probably see the SIRT pistol more and more in my videos.

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