A Message for the People

4 months ago

"If it wasn't for the "anti vaxxers" right now we would all be living in a Social credit society, the Covid passport would be an everyday utility, and you wouldn't be able to leave the house and go to work or the shops without permission from the state

We came VERY CLOSE to this

The good thing here, is it doesn't take a huge % of the population to change something, if what is offered is better


(And that's what they were really trying to slow the spread of)"

Credit : Adam Brimson on X here

And BTW, they are still trying this with the" net zero" agenda. These things only have a small window of opportunity to get a foothold and become socially acceptable, which is why it's so important to stand up and be counted and say No. The more that do this the harder it is to install their agenda because it can't get a proper foothold

The agenda takes many forms so please do consider events in Ukraine and the middle east when you cast your mind to thinking about it

Lawyers of Light (Telegram Channel)

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