1 month ago
News 24x7 Patriot Christian pastor Rick Wiles is The Real McCoy. I have been watching TruNews for over 7 years now I came across TruNews as I was researching materials about Zionism it was as if someone had throw me a Lifeline as I was drowning in total disappointment from Western media bias in favor of Israel ignoring the genocide of the Palestinians Christians before Muslims. TruNews had the guts to do what no one in the US is willing to do before which is put a spotlight on the USS Liberty in the form of producing a documentary featuring The survivals of the USS Liberty Veterans of the USS Liberty brought to Vero Beach given a Heroes welcome and honored like Heroes at time of being ignored by the United States Congress the USS Liberty was worse than the Cuban Missile Crisis in which Humanity came within less than 10 minutes before the initiation of third world war and all of that for the sake of the Zionist. Rick Wiles disagreement with Zionism is rooted in fundamental Christian believe and not in an attempt to gain publicity or recognition it is absolutely amazing that there is such a personality existing in today's American culture standing up and saying it for the way it is without fear from the Zionist without being bought off like most of the American political machine there is not a dog catcher in the US who does not receive Zionist money. Rick Wiles is putting his money his energy his life his future where his ideology is running for Congress as a Republican in the 21st district in Florida Rick Wiles was angered and decided to do something about his anger after he saw his Republican representative Brian Mast that he voted for wearing the Israeli uniform in Congress and it doesn't get any more than here I am Bought by Israel then wearing an Israeli uniform in Congress during an ongoing genocide committed by Israel against the Palestinians. You may agree or disagree with his perspective except there's one thing that you can't ignore he's a true American Patriot who is one of the few who's willing to stand up and say it for the way it is without fear from the ADL or the Zionist agenda. This is the time where you people me to put Your money where your mouth is at introducing an old fashioned new voice in Congress a breeze of fresh air blowing out the stale air which have been there before your grandfathers were born it does not take a whole lot no more than the price of hamburger with a large soft drink and a fries or maybe onion rings whatever you like


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