The Parable Of The Ten Virgins

5 months ago

In this lesson titled: The Parable Of The Ten Virgins... I read through and discussed a parable that is... Perhaps... One of the scariest of all of the parables that Jesus taught! The main text for this lesson is Matthew 25:1-13.

One major application we can gather from this parable is that many people profess to be faithful Christians... But... Do not live out that profession... And sadly... Will be lost for eternity when Christ returns on Judgment Day!

This parable focuses on spiritual preparation for Judgment Day. Everyone who has not already prepared themselves must heed God's warning to get prepared for Judgment Day by finding shelter in Jesus Christ. Sadly... Many people will be unprepared for Christ's return!

As you listen to this lesson... Analyze this parable for yourself... And consider the necessary spiritual applications that can and must be drawn from it. May you be encouraged to choose to get prepared for Judgment Day if you happen to be unprepared currently! If you are currently prepared... May you be encouraged to have the resolve to continue to "walk in the light" ... As 1 John 1:7 teaches... Constantly remaining vigilant of your adversary the devil (1 Peter 5:8) ... And never allowing yourself to get into the position of being unprepared for the second coming of Christ!

This lesson has four main sections in it. In the first main section... I began with some introductory remarks by providing some background information on this parable and some of the broader context surrounding it. I also explained the parable and paraphrased what occurred in it.

In the second main section... I read through the parable.

In the third main section... I discussed what the various elements in the parable represent.

In the fourth main section... I provided a list of nine spiritual applications that we can glean from this parable. Here they are...
1) We all must prepare for Judgment Day now.
2) Life is a vapor (James 4:14).
3) Only faithful Christians will be saved.
4) Our preparation for Judgment Day must be made before death.
5) All preparation for Judgment Day must be personal.
6) It is not enough to merely be in the kingdom (the Lord's church) ... But... One must stay prepared.
7) For us to be saved... Our faith must be accompanied by works... Works of obedience.
8) There is no justifiable excuse not to be prepared for Judgment Day.
9) The wise virgins... Who represent faithful Christians... Had rest... Sweet rest. In other words... They had peace of mind and assurance.

I hope this lesson will edify you and help you consider the spiritual state of your soul! That is why Jesus told this parable. Judgment Day is an occurrence that we all must appear at! Jesus wanted all who would hear and read this parable from when He first told it until He comes back on Judgment Day to be serious about and constantly consider the spiritual state of their souls!

This lesson may challenge what you currently believe... And that is okay! I do not want you nor anyone to take my words as the final authority... Because they are not the final authority!

God's word is the ultimate and final authority in all spiritual matters! I only want you and others to accept the words that I have spoken in this lesson if they line up with what the Bible teaches.

I invite you to put the words that I have spoken in this lesson to the test... Go and search the Scriptures for yourself... And see if what I have said is true. Always check and make sure that what I teach and what anyone else teaches lines up with what the Bible teaches!

Be like the noble Bereans who "received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so" (Acts 17:11). In 1 Thessalonians 5:21... Paul said, "Test all things; hold fast what is good."

If you ever believe that I have taught something that does not line up with the Bible... Please reach out to me and let me know... Because I only want to teach that which the Bible teaches! You can contact me by sending an email to me at

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