another past life memory when I was Christopher Lloyd in my past life in earth 2.0

8 months ago

Another past life memory when I was Christopher Lloyd in my past life in earth 2.0 I was walking then I said are we back in to the same place then my 1 counterpart bob gunter said look and I said this is the other bob gunter earth kepler 186f since the sun is whoule yellow that means his maximum overdrive wull made this bob gunter was Bron in Toronto Ontario Canada 1953 and I dissappear went back to earth 2.0 because once in awhile I can travel to different planets when I think where I wanna go real quick and I can make a card outta it only I can see it and my 1 counterpart bob gunter done the same thing and I said I wull be able to do same thing in my present life and my 1 counterpart bob gunter same thing

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