4 months ago

Josh Sigurdson reports on the news of AstraZeneca pulling their deadly covid vaccine as they face massive class action lawsuits over wrongful death and debilitating medical problems. AstraZeneca which was forced on people first in Britain and Australia has shown clear signs from day one of causing heart problems and death. Many of us tried to warn people and were laughed at and called crazy. Now, AstraZeneca is being forced to pull their deadly injections. It's too little too later, however, AstraZeneca STILL says the cases of heart failure are "rare" despite the biggest increase in overall death in known history. The company also claims they're not pulling the vaccine due to the heart problems associated but due to new variant vaccines coming to market making the old vaccine obsolete, but we know this is just a bad excuse. They also claim that the injection saved 6.5 million lives! Where do they get such a number from? Nowhere. The amount of people dying "suddenly" following the injections is growing by the year despite the amount of people getting injected going down. The vast majority of the excess deaths are among those injected. Remember we were ridiculed, attacked, banned from businesses, fired from jobs, forced into homes, called crazy, called murderers, saw our families and friends divide. All because of this propagandized covid "insanity." Will we ever get an apology? No. It will still get worse before it gets better. With the Pandemic Treaty being signed this month, things are about to get a lot more interesting and chaotic. Pfizer is now saying the new covid is "cancer" and bragging about the money they'll make off of it. This is happening as Pfizer is caught covering up cancer causing SV40 in the injections. Something Moderna has also admitted. Pfizer just happens to be creating a "cancer vaccine" made with mRNA as well as tending to countless lawsuits and the fall of their share price due to being exposed for mass murder. A little boy just died after taking a Pfizer shot. He went into sudden cardiac arrest.

We are learning more daily about these deadly injections based on a fake illness based on fake tests. We must continue to speak up for the sake of protecting children from these deadly poisons.

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