✨Inter-Galactic Master of INNOVATION✨ || Lord Row-Kan #galacticmarvels #innovationmatters #ashtar

10 months ago

⭐️⭐️Who planned and perfected 'planned obsolescence/End-of-life' ?
Who wanted to make limitless universal energy available to everyone?
Which technology can self-rejuvenate and self-improve?
Which advanced civilization, related to Atlantis/Lemuria existed even upto a few hundred years ago?
Is the Library of Alexandria fully destroyed in the fire?
Are all jungles on our planet real?
Who can access and activate the ancient Cosmic Security Code?
Who can access your new Financial accounts in the QFS(Quantum Financial System)?
Are the Higher Beings in touch with World Governments?
Was the concept of 'Survival of the Fittest' naturally evolved on Earth?
Where did the Cockroaches, mosquitoes and flies come from?
Which civilization was involved in the earlier colonization on Earth?
Who originally came up with the idea of the Rejuvenation Chambers?
How do the Galactics connect with their Merkaba LightShips?
What is the frequency of the collective on Earth?
Why are we waiting for others to wake up?
What all higher forms of technology are used by the Galactics daily in their lives?
What is definition of the ancient Cosmic Security Code?⭐️⭐️

🔍✨ Meet Lord Row-kan, the enigmatic Master of Ceremony. He commands attention with a unique flair for stirring the soup of social dynamics. His art lies in activating and agitating the crowd, revealing the true essence of those within. With a keen eye for discerning the truly alive from the stagnant, Lord Row-kan orchestrates events with a deft hand, ensuring that every gathering pulses with energy and intrigue.🔍✨

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