Vicky Pryce, Stella O’Malley, Gonzalo Carrera & Claire Dyer on The David Kurten Show - 08 May 2024

7 months ago

GUEST 1 OVERVIEW: Vicky Pryce is chief economic adviser at the Center for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) and a former joint head of the UK govt Economic Service , after senior economic positions in banking and the oil sector. She holds a number of Visiting Professorship and her books include "Greekonomics", "It's the Economy Stupid- economics for voters" and "Women vs Capitalism" . Her latest 7(co-authored) book is " How to be a Successful Economist", published by Oxford University Press

GUEST 2 OVERVIEW: Stella O’Malley is a Psychotherapist.

GUEST 3 OVERVIEW: Claire Dyer is a Anti-ULEZ Campaigner.

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