What Does it Take to Escape to Another Country after 2020 Lockdowns?

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(2:00) Government Fakes & Fails
China dyes dogs and puts them in zoo as "pandas"
Saudi ruler's dystopian fantasy "The Line" turns into The Lie as grandiose plans for a towering 105 mile long linear city in the desert is literally without foundation, a comedy of errors and arrogance
Self-Driving Tesla nearly has head on collision with cop car when it passes a cyclist on a blind curve

(26:59) Secret government — to avoid law, morals, ethics

Now even mainstream media is admitting that FBI & CIA are enemies of the American people
Operation Chaos working both sides of the cultural and domestic war
Henry Cuellar shows the feds are fine with corrupt Congressmen until they oppose those in power, in this case the open border, then they indict

(1:01:17) Indiscriminate hatred from Marxist mobs and discriminatory responses

Defacing a World War 1 monument to soldiers
Dershowitz, still focusing narrowly on attacks on Jews, demands federal funding be removed for any university that disinvests from Israel
Why are we funding these seminaries for revolutionaries and marxists?
Why should taxpayers have to give money to universities that have so much money that they're investing it?
Money from Washington, is always used to bribe or blackmail when the government has NO authority for what they're doing
Do we want government to punish any institution for the way they DON'T invest money?
Why are we using fiat currency to bring institutions into submission to the interests of a FOREIGN government?

(1:13:56) Biden takes another step in the war against families and Christians

Foster parents must affirm gender gaslighting

Secularist asks "Do You Really Want to Co-Parent with Government?" Alternatives to internet ID that actually are more effective

Austin, TX defies state rules against sexual mutilation of minors. An interesting case of local vs state authority, nullification, and non-commandeering

Dept of Ed Secretary refuses to answer whether he would want a male pushed into showers with his daughter at schools. But even more interesting is the power dynamic between Congress and the bureaucracy (DeepState)

(1:44:18) JP Morgan's Dimon says the public is still flush with cash from Covid stimulus checks. Could he be more out of touch?

(1:47:13) Politics, Prostitutes of Every Kind, and Show Trials

Pathetic, Dangerous, Untrue: "In Six Months We'll Know If We Have a Country or Not"
Trump played victim card over missing his son's graduation, now has the day off and will use it for a rally
RFKj will also be speaking at the Libertarian Party Convention and challenges Trump to debate him at the LP Convention
RFKj loves the Green New Deal and is still a hair-on-fire climate-doomer

(2:03:16) INTERVIEW What Does It Take to Escape to Another Country?

After lockdown, many people began to think about having dual citizenship and with this election many are looking again.

What does it take?
How do you do it?
Which countries are most promising?
Christopher Willis, Latitude Residency & Citizenship lattitudeworld.com, joins to discuss alternative residency and citizenship options for Americans.

(2:32:07) Pandemic Push

Spread the rhetorical questions everyone needs to ask about the "bird flu" actions of USDA/FDA and the narrative
All GOP Senators say they oppose WHO Pandemic Treaty. That should be the end of it but they're signaling they're NOT going to use their power to stop it with a vote
They're NOT giving up — Four years later, Chiropractor fined $65,000 for not wearing a mask, even though it was

(2:49:58) Green Insanity

Counterproductive and absurd — transporting green fuel 8,000 via diesel so that a ferry doesn't use diesel
GM loses astronomical sums on EVs and thinks they can do it profitably in China
30 BILLION pounds to suck CO2 out of the air and inject into the ground

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