2 months ago

Evenings Lament

As a curtain of darkness crashes down across the land,
A motionless scream of silence serenades the streets like a marching band.

The stillness of the night staggers boisterously back against the breeze,
That's when life sits back, taking time to breathe.

Echoes of yesterday stand loitering on street corners, wondering what song tomorrow will sing,
As shattered pieces of chaos busk in the subway with a familiar ring.

Reality crawls out of the gutter after being cast aside without care or stutter,
Meanwhile, waking battered dreams helplessly fight for freedom in the war against reality's clutter.

A street hawker in carnival dress tries to convince passersby he's a prophet, a seer,
Whispering, he pours bankrupt hopes and dreams into the ear.

Phantasmic people from yesteryear haunt deserted streets somewhere,
their souls abandoned them and evaporated into the air.

As a curtain of darkness crashes down across the land,
A motionless scream of silence serenades the streets like a marching band.

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