Karen Kingston: DARPA Plots To Control the Building Blocks of Life With Synthetic Biology

15 days ago

(May 7, 2024) From biotech analyst Karen Kingston's substack: "The new head of DARPA’s BioTech Office, Mike Koeris, claims that the Internet, GPS technology and mRNA vaccines are all “hugely successful” programs funded by DARPA. Koeris is in charge of spending DARPA’s 2024 BioTech Office Budget of more than $4.1 billion.

"It’s impossible that Koeris is unaware that the DARPA funded COVID-19 mRNA injections have caused an unprecedented incidence of disease, disabilities and death in America and around the world. Per a recent SynBio communication I received, DARPA’s definition of ‘a successful investment’ is quite different than those of traditional biopharma industry investment firms, it’s criminal."

'The Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson' with guest Karen Kingston: https://frankspeech.com/Video/the-absolute-truth-with-emerald-robinson-joined-by-karen-kingston-3

Karen Kingston’s Substack: https://karenkingston.substack.com/p/crime-pays-darpas-41-billion-synthetic

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