Iran wants a ‘perfect storm’ to threaten Israel with proxies - 2 Kings 24:1-2 tell you what is next!

4 months ago

Middle East Update: 5/8/2024

We should be looking at both 2 Kings 24 & 2 Kings 25 to determine the events that will happen in the next few weeks and months as we move into 2024.

My orignial watch date was Jan. 15, 2024.

Once we converted everything to Jewish calendars it moved these dates to May-June 2024.

January 15th is the original date of 10 Tevet in 588 BCE when the siege on Jerusalem occured through Nebuchadnezzar II.

Today we should be looking at Erdogan of Turkey.

So could the dates of May-June lead to an invasion by proxies armies from Lebanon, Golen Heights, and West Bank attack Israel and even start a potential invasion?

Turkey would also enter the war with an invasion of Syria & Iraq by May, 2024.

Dates to watch:

May 2024 - Turkey invades Syria & Iraq against the Kurds-Medes as well as Turkey will move down into Syria into Lebanon for a siege on Tyre, Lebanon.

July 2024 - Tyre Lebanon falls to Turkey, Hezbollah joins Turkey.

July - Oct. 2024 - Turkey moves through West Bank, Golen Heights, Israel to Palestine to control Gaza & help the Palestine people against Israel.

Oct. 2024 - Palestine and Gaza fall to Turkey.

Oct. 2024 - Egypt does not confront Turkey with an attack. Turkey liberates Egypt.

Oct. 2024 - Turkey moves from Egypt, to Tyre Lebanon, then to Erbil, Iraq (Guagamella). The Kurds-Medes are forced east to Erbil, Iraq. Turkey crushes the Kurds-Medes & they collapse to Baghdad, Iraq and then Shush, Iran.

Dec. 2024 - March 2025 - Turkey crushes both Iran-Persia & Kurds-Medes.

March 2025 - Israel is attacked by Turkey and 10 nations of Muslims.

March 14-29, 2025 - 10 nations of Muslims are given 15 days of power to attack Israel.

March 30-31, 2025 - 6th Seal event & the destruction of 10-nations of Muslims.

March 31, 2025 - 2 Nisan - Red Heifer Sacrifice.

March 31, 2025 - 1/3 of the Jews are hidden for the start of the 1260 days which starts on April 9, 2025. It is exactly 1260 days from April 9, 2025 to Sept. 20, 2028.

March 31, 2025 - April, 9, 2025 - A number of events occur here.
1). 6th Seal
2). 7th Seal
3). Selection of 144,000 Select
4). 1st - 4 Trumpets effect large protions of earth.
5). Bottomless Pit opens
6). Anitichrist & False Prophet rise

April 9, 2025 - Signing of a 7-year treaty with nations against Israel, Christians, & Jews.

April 9, 2025 - start of the 1260 days to the Feasts of Trumpets of Sept. 20, 2028.

Rapture would occur on the 1st day of the Feasts of Trumepts of 2028 (Sept. 20, 2028).

Psalm 90:10 Timeline Chart Link - This is a new link updated 4/27/2024
God bless.

Time is short.

Repent and get right with Jesus.

Jesus is the only open door to the creator.

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