UK Column News - Wednesday 8th May 2024

10 months ago

Mike Robinson, Vanessa Beeley and Charles Malet with today's UK Column News. Duration - 62 minutes.

00:20 Antimicrobial Resistance: The Big Talking Point
06:11 Bluetongue Vaccines—Policies For Poison
19:00 Xi Jinping In Europe For First Time In 5 Years
27:41 Please Support The UK Column
29:58 Rafah Invasion
38:09 Local Elections With A Thin Veneer of Democracy
43:57 Private Prosecution: What Do Police Actually Do These Days?
48:01 Online Safety Bill: ID Proof Online
50:11 Bluelink Gerofence
55:10 Hamish De Bretton-Gordon On Chemical Weapons In Ukraine
59:40 And Finally: Transporting Air Around The World...


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Hello All, just a bit of a heads-up, for any of you who watch the news on catch up, on my YouTube channels, ill be on my second channel for the next week or 2, here - as my usual one has been a victim of the YouTube censorship police!

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