(UK Column) Prince Charles winged 'Savior' of the World & Universe? Canzuk & Commonwealth

10 months ago

ALSO ON SUBSTACK DavidJonesFilms https://rumblesemail2.substack.com/ (This is part 4 other parts below) Prince ('king')of the pedophiles & rapists, the base of the statue accepted by Charles is covered in Human skulls and crosses.... CANZUK = Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom & Israel at some point (the 'super-commonwealth & UN) with ANZUS (USA & Aus + Canada near future) Charles was also anointed the 'Messiah' of Israel 6.5.2023 & via Terra Carta as the king of the world & Astra Carta of the Universe ? (to replace Magna Carta and common law into also a new religion) Charles owns 1/6th of the worlds landmass but his coronation was hidden from public view by 3 screens and not witnessed by God / the people or the stone of destiny (see vid in this channel)

Brics (as also the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council as also Russia & China who were among the first to join the UN in 1948) are controlled by the central banks (as nearly all nations) and as the USA merges (and becomes reduced in the North American Union (with Canada & Mexico) under Republicans or Democrats Trump or under anyone. Trump is a deep state project fake, its currency ($) will merge with BRICS.( & cbdc currency and the bitcoin trojan horse) CANZUK (more powerful than Brics, and most of Brics nations are in the UN or Commonwealth) will take over with the Commonwealth which is housed in the UN building (and both will join together) The UN separate private city states are based in 1) New York, 2) Switzerland (Geneva) with the WEF (World economic forum. Charles is the head of the WEF) and 3) the UN is also in Israel (hill of evil counsel and mount hermon...so NY, Geneva & Israel) all sitting within the 3 private city states of London, Washington DC and Vatican Rome (Rome is run by Switzerland) The UN born out of the League of Nations in turn born out of Royal Institute of International Affairs in London. Israel (into Greater Israel next) born out of the UN in 1946 - 1948 after 2 World Wars in which 80 million were slaughtered in Europe and millions in Asia and 300 million killed by Bolsheviks and communism since 1890 to date. Israel may separate from the UN. .... Up to 1/4 (first Rev 6,8) to 1/3 of the world depopulated collapsing into famine and war (Ezekiel 5, 12 & Revelations 9,18)

The original Commonwealth is a biblical idea of (supposed to be) sovereign nation states (and the same with CANZUK the super-commonwealth) Britain or any country not a 'one world government' (WIKIPEDIA... "On 30 November 1966, Barbados moved towards political independence and assumed the status of a Commonwealth realm, becoming a separate kingdom with Elizabeth II as the Queen of Barbados according to the then Constitution. On 30 November 2021, Barbados later transitioned to a republic within the Commonwealth replacing its monarchy with a ceremonial president" ) So as a republic or under the monarchy you can be a commonwealth country and Barbados is in the UN (NY) which shares its space with the commonwealth.(ran by Charles and WEF & THE WHO with its plandemic treaty IHR now) The commonwealth / un is not comprised of sovereign states as the bible law states but pretends to be. As this video states the arrangement in any nation 'can change' (according to Charles the Messiah of Israel) as in the plandemic into a Communitarianism totalitarian regime quite quickly. (Parliament is not supreme over the common law or the people but is under them as is Terra or Astra Carta )

(part 4 here, other parts here) UK COLUMN "No Smoke Without Fire: The Green King (Part 1)" https://www.ukcolumn.org/video/no-smoke-without-fire-6-the-green-king-part-1
No Smoke Without Fire The Green King (Part 2) https://www.ukcolumn.org/video/no-smoke-without-fire-7-the-green-king-part-2 (also on bitchute part 1 https://www.bitchute.com/video/sdDYcVHqSzn4/ and also No Smoke Without Fire The Green King (Part 2) https://www.bitchute.com/video/c9Mmr2t2oQmM/ and ... UK COLUMN "No Smoke Without Fire: The Green King Parts 3 and 4 on ukcolumn.org and all parts https://www.ukcolumn.org/series/no-smoke-without-fire

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