Put D&D Monsters and Classes into Scarlet Heroes and other RPGs | OSR, Godbound, and more

3 months ago

In this video I will share two very useful techniques that will enable you to use some of the best parts of D&D in other, simpler, fantasy systems.
You will learn: 1. How to convert Monsters. 2. How to convert Classes (& tips on adapting Spells).

My focus is to make these rules compatible with Scarlet Heroes but these tips will also work for OSR, Exemplar and Eidolons, Labyrinth Lord and Godbound.

The very useful blog post I mention: https://eryssel.blogspot.com/2019/03/quick-5e-to-osr-conversion-method.html


00:00 Intro
00:36 Convert AD&D Monsters
05:26 (Cheat Sheet) AD&D Monsters
05:37 (AD&D) Second Example
06:47 (AD&D) Tarrasque
07:53 Convert D&D 3.5/5e Monsters
13:32 (Cheat Sheet) D&D 3.5/5e Monsters
13:42 (D&D 3.5/5) Second Example
14:55 (D&D 3.5/5) Tarrasque
16:56 Adapting D&D5e Classes
17:25 Barbarian Class
17:48 Druid Class
18:31 Sorcerer Class
18:54 Adapting Spells
20:01 Outro

Thanks for watching!

#ScarletHeroes #RPG #D&D #Solorpg

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