#167 Life & Liberty w/ Reggie Littlejohn

9 months ago

Chris and Danielle discover urgent developments on the international front and unsettling news about the treatment of women in China from Reggie Littlejohn, attorney and life advocate. Are the people of Louisiana prepared to do their part to stem the tide of totalitarianism before it’s too late?


Proverbs 9:4-6 TPT


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Danielle shares the feast of wisdom in today’s scripture (02:46)

The State of Freedom welcomes Reggie Littlejohn (05:09)

Their work in China (08:53)

How people can lend their help (12:11)

Interesting loopholes (14:25)

“Reservations” and other doublespeak (21:17)

Two agreements (24:43)

Difficulties with constitutional challenges (27:13)

Reggie’s thoughts on Louisiana’s defense (33:52)

Health rationales (38:01)

What people can do (47:18)

State of Freedom’s closing message for its listeners (51:20)


Music by MarkJuly from Pixaby

Sound effects by Pixaby

Produced by Podcasting Pros

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