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Rough day yesterday - lack energy

10 months ago

Tuesday, day 9 ish, was the most difficult so far. About to give up.
Give me your suggestions.

1 Comment

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  • Good morning, The first 30 days are the most difficult, especially if before switching to carnivore your diet consisted of high amounts of carbohydrates and sugars. It will take time to heal, not something we want to hear when we want to see results right away, I understand. Every person responds differently and adapts differently. Commit to the 30 days, you can do this and you will eventually receive benefits from this diet. Nothing in this life worth doing is every easy :) I found one of Dr. Chaffe's videos discussing some of the reasons people may have low energy on the carnivore diet (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=garRmghnY7U). The video is 9 minutes long, but lots of information and making one of the changes he suggests may help with your energy levels :) Another great inexpensive meat that usually has high amounts of fat (fat very important on this diet) is the Chuck. I found this video helpful in identifying the best check roast to buy and it's inexpensive. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6A-ot_eolPo Have a great day!! P.S. You can do this!! Believe that you can :)